Thursday, 24 May 2012


SITA, is an avatar of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and wife of Vishnu. She is esteemed as a standard setter for wifely and womanly virtues for all Hindu women. Sita is known for her dedication, self-sacrifice, courage and purity. Described as the daughter of the goddess BHUMI and the adopted daughter of King Janaka of Mithila. 

In her youth, she marries RAMA, the prince of Ayodhya. Soon after the marriage, Ram is banished into the forest of Dandaka along with LAKSHMAN and saying "a husband's faith is equally his wife's faith as well" Sita follows Rama's footsteps into the deepest of forest.

There, Sooparnaka, sister to the rakshasha of Lanka, RAVAN tries to seduce Rama in hopes of marrying him but fails when Lakshman cuts off her nose during her attack on Sita. Ravan, filled with fury then kidnaps Sita back to the Kingdom of Lanka. Rama devastated and raged, begins his journey to seek Sita and hold her in his arms once again.

Armed with his beloved brother Lakshman, Rama soon meets SUGREEVA, King of the Vaanaras and with their help goes in search of Sita. HANUMAN,the Mighty One is sent to bring home Sita but she insists on leaving the poor people enslaved by Ravan in Lanka and asks Hanuman to take her home when the others too are set free. Humbled by her words, he returns with this message to Rama. Soon, the monkeys along with many other living creatures help Rama build a bridge across to Lanka. Each stone they used were carved with Rama's name and the result: every single stone did not sink! 

Ravan demands for a battle as he was reluctant to return Sita to Ram. But with the blessings of LORD VISHNU, Rama wins the battle.

 Ravan was defeated ....................

The people of Lanka were freed of their slavery. Sita was reunited with Rama and they returned to Ayudhya only for Rama to be KING OF AYUDHYA. 

And they lived happily ever after......... =) 

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